“SPL Equation” (Sales, Profitability and Liquidity):
Any business is performing according to “SPL Equation”, the matter the consumes a lot of effort and it to bulid professional scalable and multi-scenarios Excel Financial Planning Models to project and measure business (Sales, Profitability and Liquidity)
Cash Is A Fact No A Fiction:
One of the main targets of having a strong accurate Financial Planning Models is to measure the Cash Flow. It is the oxygen of any business activity, and is the main pathway to keep business healthy and successful
Excel Spread Sheet Challenges & Limitations:
There are many challenges that prohibits building Excel Financial Planning Models properly:
Make Computers Do What They Do Best, & Make Humans Do What They Do Best:
It is more valuable that Top Management consumes their time in analyzing, building and challenging the assumptions behind the targets, than losing time to verify calculations, building the right equations and having headache to find out and solve calculation errors
No need for experts any more, you can build your business financial plan in just one day
This enables you to change any parameter on the fly and get the results updated immediately and it is Accessible Anytime / Anywhere
No more Personal Know How, it becomes the Organization Know How
You can build unlimited different sales plans by (product / sales channel / regions), and you can customize your collection & payment plans
You can get +100 reports on different analysis levels
Possibility to enter your actual results and monitor your Gap Analysis (Actual versus Planned Results)
Running the business with efficient capital and proper visibility on the future cash flow projections